Your Source for all Things BFR
Your Source for all Things BFR
Growing evidence has continued to show the potential of blood flow restriction (BFR) training to improve exercise & rehabilitation programs
By intermittently restricting blood flow during exercise, research supports significant ability to make gains in strength, muscle size, bone growth, pain reduction and injury recovery - often in abbreviated time tables.
The safest BFR on the Market
BStrong BFR Bands
Product Info + Sizing Chart + Guide
Learning the fundamentals of BFR & how to add it into your own practice - Taking you from basic understanding to authority. What is BFR? How does it work? Is it safe? Your complete guide to Blood Flow Restriction Training!
"How many courses can change your practice pattern immediately like this and do so drastically?"
Eric C.
Physical Therapist
"Great instructor. Promotes safety, patient empowerment and science. It just makes sense."
Steve F.
Director of Rehab Services
"This course explained the scientific reasoning well and made BFR easy to start utilizing with athletes."
Meghan P.
Certified Athletic Trainer
What is Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) training?
What makes BFR safe?
Does BFR replace traditional strength training?
What evidence exists on Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) training?
This bank of information is for those who may think BFR sounds unsafe and that it cannot truly be that effective, here is a large list of references to support its utilization. This data pool is also for those who simply would like to know more about how BFR works, for whom it works and its utilization.