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Running Form - To Heel Strike or Not To Heel Strike...

Running Form - To Heel Strike or Not To Heel Strike...

To heel strike or not…that is the question.

A running cadence of 85-90 strides/minute (170-180 steps/minute) has been widely accepted to be ideal for runners - This is a pretty fast pace! The reason: Less time with your foot on the ground = less slowing down of your body. Contact time on the ground creates more friction which slows you down. Once in motion, running is a perpetual action that is only hindered by foot contact time. Sounds good, right? Makes sense, right? I would argue...

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Does Running Form Matter?

Does Running Form Matter?
This very question seems to be a hot button among runners.  If there is one group of athletes who are passionate about their trade, it is runners.  Running can be a grueling task that pushes the limits of human physical abilities as well as mental capacity to overcome stress, fatigue, weather, or even pain...With all of this passion for their sport, runners are always looking for... Continue reading

Knee Alignment - How do you move?

Knee Alignment - How do you move?
So, if you are moving poorly, you could be overstraining the knee.  I am attaching a video to show you how you can assess the quality of knee bend. Continue reading

Where Does Knee Pain Come From?

Where Does Knee Pain Come From?
At all levels of fitness, everyone has his/her own exercise capacity.  This is the point at which movement quality begins to falter and breakdown can occur. This is always true.  When you run or lifts weights or perform abdominal crunches, it is VERY apparent when you are tired and just can't go any further.   Most of the time, however, where the movement quality begins to breakdown is subtle and not easily noticed.  This is the case with knee pain that occurs from an unknown may be uncertain of when the original problem started, and probably don't know what is causing the pain in the first place Continue reading